Carve the Neck

Length: 0 minutesAuthor: mark bailey

Carve the Neck

Carve the Neck - concentrate on making the facets nice and flat, then blending in is the easy bit - watch the shape emerge before your very eyes!

Mark Out for Carving

Length: 3 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Easy

The neck will be carved in stages: First we will make facets, then smaller facets, before finally blending in to make a smooth curved shape for the back of the neck. In this video I explain how to mark out the neck for carving.

Carve the Side Facets

Length: 6 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Standard

This is the first stage of carving the neck - we need to remove the material between the two lines. The side facets should be flat and even for the length of the neck and then taper out at each end - make sure to stay within the lines.

Carve Smaller Facets

Length: 2 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Standard

All the hard work done, we can now add more smaller facets to finish 'rough carving' the back of the neck.