Before You Start
PreviewBefore You Start
On the first day in the workshop, everyone wants to get to the bit where you cut out the body shape…this is way down in the list of jobs (sorry), and there are absolutely ESSENTIAL pieces of info you need to know BEFORE you start to even think about cutting wood.
In some of the videos I mention PDF’s – these contain extra resource material and can be found below under the heading ‘Lesson Media’. There is also a ‘Resources’ section in the final Module where ALL the PDF’s for the whole course can be found.
This course was designed to be an online resource, but all supplementary material can be printed off to form your own paper manual which may be useful when you come to build – you may want to do additional research etc…and having everything in one place is helpful.
Design Your Own Guitar
If you are enrolled on this course then Design Your Own Guitar is FREE! – If you have any trouble accessing the course please let me know.