OK Folks - hope the new year is treating you well!
This year I'll be concentrating on adding more courses and content to the the site...there is so much I don't really know where to start so I'm asking you guys...let's get a list together:
What would you like to see next?
(edit) Thanks for the suggestions so far - I'll add them all to the list and at some point we can have a vote to see what is most popular?
Finishing Course
Drop Top
Tool maintainance, e.g. sharpening plane blades, chisels, saws, drill bits etc.
Fit Acoustic Pickup
a thru-neck "Strat"
a carved top thin-line ES33x type
a 000 acoustic (24.75 scale, 12th fret join)
Binding for bodies and necks
neck profiles
Bolt on neck
Multi laminate thru neck
Archtop Guitar
binding an electric guitar body (or neck)
recovering from mistakes/ faults in the wood
strange requests that you have made for someone
problems with a double neck
faux binding
Voice Soundboard (the black art)
Bolt on neck with the access at the nut end of the fretboard
PRS STyle Body Carve
1 piece bolt on neck - skunk stripe
Dovetail neck join
Arm Bevel - acoustic guitar
Mark's Build talk through with pictures
Wood storage and what to do if caps or other blanks get twisted or bowed (can they be recovered) - Deej
How to fit different bridges- Deej
remove old worn out frets and preparing the fretboard for new frets - Russ
Wood storage and what to do if caps or other blanks get twisted or bowed (can they be recovered) Deej
I would like to see a finishing course that explains and demonstrates different products. Measuring and cutting wood is a skill in itself and there is so much more I want to learn but being able to finish properly is the icing on the cake.
I realise this may not be the easiest of topics to cover but I just thought I would suggest it.
I would very much like that! Also a topic on tool maintainance, e.g. sharpening plane blades, chisels, saws, drill bits etc.
And I would like that as well Edwin. Great idea. I’ve never really got my head around using grinding wheels and water/oil stones and the techniques for getting ultra sharp tools. Yes! This ☝️
Oh, there is something I wouldn’t mind learning. On any standard guitar such as an S type or T type with a laminated top, how do you do an elbow carve without going through the top? Is there a way of bending the top at the carve (the carve will be done first before laminating).
Oh, there is something I wouldn’t mind learning. On any standard guitar such as an S type or T type with a laminated top, how do you do an elbow carve without going through the top? Is there a way of bending the top at the carve (the carve will be done first before laminating).
Here is an example.
Yeah John - That is called a Drop Top...Good suggestion!
I would like to see a finishing course that explains and demonstrates different products. Measuring and cutting wood is a skill in itself and there is so much more I want to learn but being able to finish properly is the icing on the cake.
I realise this may not be the easiest of topics to cover but I just thought I would suggest it.
What do you think?
A Finishing course is probably top on the list...thanks John
Inlays - is something I haven't really attempted too...
You took the words right out of my mouth Herb. To combine bindings with inlays looks stunning. I realise some of it would be very tricky and need skill and experience to complete but we have to start somewhere. It looks like there could be an appetite for learning it here with Mark (certainly with the two of us so far).
Another suggestion I would like to see sometime would be how to do different neck profiles such as D, C etc. I can really see that this will be a skill in itself and may take some time to develop it as a skill.
As I'm still really a newbie to the guitar building with Mark. I just need to be a sponge and soak up anything and everything so this forum is really helpful.
The workshop tools etc just take time and money to put together. Maybe a run down of the basic tools required or will that be in the courses section ? I have ideas about the basics I need but finding where to get the plans and templates from would be a big help.
Mark you said you were contemplating CNC to sell through the website, any further thoughts on that?
Trying to make a living out of a hobby doesn't work 🙂
Hey Mike, I can only talk about the courses I’ve done so here goes.
Since meeting Mark (online), I have completed the Design your own Guitar and Build your own Guitar (electric). I have not got to the Acoustic build yet, I’m having too much fun building electric guitars at the moment.
Within the course there is a full list of essential tools and materials needed to complete a guitar build. This is all for electric guitar and to build it at home in a garage or workshop. I can’t put the full list up here as it is part of the paid course (or sold separately in the shop on the website). However I will talk about some of the main tools as part of a review. The tools that will help the most are a bandsaw and a router with the correct blades and bits. Some specialist tools are required such as a levelling beam, straight edge, fret rocker, radius gauges etc. Mark’s checklist gives you everything you need to get started and as you progress you get to know about addition and optional tools for the future. The course also suggests various suppliers of where to purchase tools and materials. Don’t forget the Mark has some materials, products and tools for sale and will help you find what you are looking for.
So my advice is, whichever course you want to do first, buy it! Once you have bought it, spend time with the checklist (included) and get everything on it before starting work on a guitar. Make sure you have in your possession all of the guitar parts you want to use - bridge, tuners, nut etc. - these need to be part of the design stage and will affect the actual building of the guitar. There are lot of different guitar parts out there, so if you design for a particular bridge, for example, and then change your mind for another one half way through the build, it could seriously affect the tuning and/or playability of the guitar.
Everything will be fine though, Mark is the master and he will help you every step of the way. I was really nervous at first as I was doing it online instead of in Mark’s workshop (which I still haven’t been to) but I am now going to be starting my 3rd build. I made a few mistakes along the way but Master Yoda (I mean Mark) is there to help.
Good luck with everything and welcome to the forum.
SIGN UP or shop Queries ? please email carol@baileyguitars.co.uk We will be closed 25/26th Dec Open for sending orders 27/28th Dec and then closed again from 29-3rd Jan. HAPPY HOGMANAY to you all Mark & Carol Dismiss