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X Brace and Upper Face Brace - How close is too close?

1 Posts
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Hi there!

I have a short question about the distance between the Upper Face Brace and the X Brace - maybe you can help me. 🙂 

In the video about Soundboard Bracing Mark says that the edge of the X Brace should be as close as possible to the Upper Face Brace. Is there a minimum distance both Braces should have? Or is it possible to place them next to each other without any problems?

I'm looking forward to your reply! Thank you very much!


1 Answer
Hi Lena!
Great question -
The ends of the UFB and XB can be right next to each other, but if they are actually touching it will make it difficult to fit them as they will be glued on overlong to begin with and will clash.  So a small gap is usually left - maybe 3mm. (see pic)
UFB and X Brace end layout
Note: Anything north of the UFB is considered pretty much solid. The vibrating part of the soundboard is roughly determined by the span of the X-braces. You are trying to maximise the sound producing, vibrating area by making them reach as close to the UFB as possible.
Hope that helps - 

Measure twice, cut once...
