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Fixed scale by altering body. Now have toggle issue!

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So if you remember my post about messing up my scale, I fixed that by altering the design of the body and cutting the top part (closest to the neck) off and making it look smooth. And it came out super nice!


So now I'm at the point where I'm making sure all my switches and pickups fit and all and I'm running into a new issue... First off this is a LPJ style and I'm going to hook up 2 P90s with a 3 way toggle, 2 volume and 1 tone pot. I've got no issue with the circuitry here. But now I need to widen the base of my toggle switch hole so the actual bulk of the switch fits. Earlier Mark had us drill the initial hole where the threads stick out.


But now my hole seems much too close to the edge to widen it the way I need to. In the picture you see the forstner bit I would use to get the correct diameter. It seems far too close to the edge to do it this way. I thought about maybe routing a small rectangle to fit the contacts but that seems dicey because it would have to go down pretty far. I'd love it if they made a thinner toggle, but looking around I haven't found anything like that.....


Does anyone have any ideas to get my toggle switch in without compromising the integrity?



IMG 5291
IMG 5292
IMG 5293

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Dan Hawkes
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Hi @somethingnicer,

I'm presuming you've drilled the hole for the switch, but not routed out the cavity for the switch and that's what you're wanting to do next? 

You are pretty close to the edge. It's not ideal, but if it was me (and you should be thanking your lucky stars you're not 🤣 ), I'd plug the hole with a dowel, redrill the hole a bit further away. 

If you have any off cuts from your body wood, you may be able to get a really close match and reposition the hole much further in. If you can't maybe move it just enough so the plugged area can be mostly covered by a poker chip switch plate? If you were feeling creative you could make your own switch plate any size.

I'm sure others will come up with much better ideas! 



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@liebe hey Dan, thanks a lot. I ended up plugging the hole and just going down to one pickup… this was my original plan to begin with so not worrie. I’ll just cover the pickup hole with a pick guard

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Dan Hawkes
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@somethingnicer ah good news! 

You could stay with 2 pickups and use a push pull as a pickup selector. But as you've gone back to your original plan, all good!

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