Level the Frets

Length: 15 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Hard

Fret dressing starts with the most important and difficult part of the process - getting the frets 'level'. As usual there are only two skills involved: Finding the high spots and Removing the high spots

Re-Crown The Frets

Length: 9 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Standard

After Leveling there is a flat spot along the top of each fret - this must be removed to make the fret round again...we call this job Re-Crowning the Frets.

Polish the Frets

Length: 4 minutesAuthor: mark baileyComplexity: Easy

First a quick rub with artificial wire wool (grey Scotchbrite), followed by 30 rubs on each fret with the finest wire wool (OOOOO) will make them shine like a mirror. Now we can enjoy the fruits of our labour and apply a coat of Lemon Oil - Take a step back - look at what you have achieved!