PreviewDesign Your Own Guitar – INTRODUCTION
This video gives more info about the process of designing your own guitar. Many of the items mentioned will be picked up in more detail as you work through the course.
I think that I have organised all the material presented in the best way for you to be able to go ahead and make your own drawing. However, here are a few pointers to get the most out of it:
Before You Start
Check out the Resources Section at the end of the course for the Patterns and Plans PDF downloads and useful links!
Stick to the Plan
- Read the lesson plan for each section before you watch the video.
- Watch all the lectures and read the material in sections 1-3 in the order they appear, before you put pencil to paper.
- Get everything you need together, and a space to do it.
- Repeat the whole course and draw the guitar along with me.
I recommend you draw the same guitar as me the first time, then you can follow the same procedure and substitute your own custom options as required and alter the design to suit yourself. Once you get the hang of it you can be designing guitars every 30 mins!
The course assumes you are going to go on to build your instrument and is packed with tips to make your first build as easy as possible – but you don’t have to.
Guitars come in many different forms – and there are so many potential options it is impossible to cover every one in this short course – I have tried to cover as many as possible at this stage…and further sections/resources may be added – Please feel free to leave a comment with your suggestions.