Have an OM that I'm working on and think in leveling the sides I got a little thin in 2 spots. I had cut a small channel so I wouldn't have to sand the top and sides end grain when leveling the sides and on 2 spots the channel is now flush. stupidly wasn't watching the channel enough to notice I was getting through the sides pretty quick.
Does anyone have any thought on should I do anything to the sides to strengthen them up?
@seanwhcraig Hi Sean, I’m going to assume you are talking about an acoustic guitar you are building. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience in this area of guitar build so I can’t help you. I’m sure someone with the relevant experience will be along shortly to help you out.
Building an acoustic is something that is on my list but I’m having way too much fun building electric guitars for now.
Good luck man. 👍
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
yes, good point. it is an acoustic guitar.
@seanwhcraig. I would say that you should still be fine. 1.5mm is thin but you didn't go through it so I think it is ok. On the course Mark says he thins the cutaways down to .080" so that is around 2mm. I think that after you have the kerfed lining on and the top and back, there will be plenty of strength there. I would concider putting the side braces on, just to be absolutly sure and confident of the strength.
Ok thanks for the reply. im afraid it might be closer to 1mm. but i will definitely add a couple of extra side braces.
need to figure out how to clamp them up from inside the body. could use CA glue and activator.
@seanwhcraig I would use white wood glue - it allows some time for manipulation and can be easily cleaned off if it goes wrong. Magnets make excellent clamps for this sort of thing...
Measure twice, cut once...