Hi Mark. I am building an acoustic via the online course and trying to replicate the acoustic I built with your help last year.
Not going too bad really, although made some mistakes to learn from ?. All the information is in the course videos, really great piece of work getting that together by the way. As well as the huge amount of pictures I took whilst building.
I'm just trying to use a few of the extras on my original build with you, so I've put in the cutaway, now trying the binding and want to have a go at the dovetail neck joint.
Question is:-
I've managed to use the side excess cut-off pieces as the main top/bottom binding and wanted to put in some BWB to define the lines. Is there a trick to bending the 1.6mm BWB around the sides (as opposed to on the soundboard top which goes relatively easy) I have been trying to bend it to the correct shape with the Ibex but do you use water/steam to help it bend like when you bend the actual side pieces or just let the heat do the work?
Trying to make a living out of a hobby doesn't work 🙂
Is there a trick to bending the 1.6mm BWB around the sides
Cheers Mike! Yes actually there are a couple of ways:
1. Glue the BWB to the Binding strips before bending - then you can bend all at the same time.
2. Masking Tape 2 strips of BWB between 2 Binding strips - then bend all together.
Measure twice, cut once...
Thanks Mark I'll give that a go
Trying to make a living out of a hobby doesn't work 🙂