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Dust filtering/collection

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So my not so trusty dust extractor died last night and I need a replacement. If anyone has an M-class extractor they’d recommend, especially if it’s relatively cheap I’d love to hear about it!? There are a couple from v-tuff and Trend that have power take off and auto filter shakers that look ok but I’m not familiar with either brand other than using some Trend router bits! 

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Bill Flude
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I've just got a couple of Screwfix Titan 1400W vacuums - had one but moving it around was a pain as I have two rooms - the power take off works and it keeps dust down - still wear a mask - looked at other units but until I am in the workshop every day for longer periods (after August hopefully) what I have got works reasonably well..........

Measure once........
Measure again.........
Sod it - make tea!

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