I did a couple of test fits to check alignment etc and to get a feel for how it will look and feel as a guitar. I think it's going to look nice, I hope it sounds good and plays well. Whilst the neck is drying, I'll sort out the electrics, just a standard 3 way selector for the two P90s.
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
I'm using an unfinished control plate and some unfinished brass knobs. I've got CTS pots, Orange drop cap 47, and a treble bleed.
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
@russ Cheers Russ, yes I’m loving life in Bonny Scotland 🏴 even though I’ve turned into a full time builder instead of full time guitar maker. I’ll get there eventually, maybe in another year or two.
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
@russ Cheers Russ, yes I’m loving life in Bonny Scotland 🏴 even though I’ve turned into a full time builder instead of full time guitar maker. I’ll get there eventually, maybe in another year or two.
Yeah @boo. I find everyone else needs me to do something during my precious guitar building time. 🤣
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️
@boo looks great. I think I've found an alternative to the treble bleed - the 50s wiring. Google it. Apparently a thing. It will give a similar effect. I did it on my Tele and the effect is nearly the same. Cheers
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Getting it together now. I just need to find a few more bits to put on it, such as another string tree and strap buttons. Oh, I may want to fire up the soldering iron too so I can wire in the pickups.
This project has quenched my thirst for now but I need to build something special, I've got some proper nice woods for the occasion.
Anyway, until then here is my latest barncaster.
Body made from "scrap woods", neck is maple and fretboard is Pau Ferro. I went the extra mile with fretboard and rounded over the edges for a real ergonomic feel.
Bridge is a Wilkinson short Tele and the pickups are Wilkinson P90s.
Electrics are CTS pots with a .47 orange drop cap, treble bleed kit, Switchcraft input socket and a 3 way blade selector switch. Oh, brass knobs and switch tip too.
Tuners are gold standard Wilkinson, standard chrome string tree and a plastic nut (just for now until I make a proper bone one).
I've used several types of finishing oil and my custom mix to get that silky smooth finish. The feeling is reported to be buttery. 😊
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸