If it’s a table top size bandsaw you could try a vacuum bag to suck all the air out if you have a tube vacuum like a Henry. If not the a large plastic bag over the top with some silica gel inside.
Some people call me a tool, others are less complimentary. Tools being useful things.
I don't cover my bandsaw, but as @Rocknroller912 says a plastic bag over it has got to help. I use mine more often than I ever imagined that I would, if I had it covered up I'd probably not use it.
It's been a long slow journey with many hurdles to get over........one of them being no space to build in. I've been on this Forum for over a year now..... still no guitar wood cut.
The offer of a friend's workshop hasn't quite materialised yet so inspired by @robin, I've decided to convert my wee 8'x6' garden shed into my workspace.🏚️
I've fully insulated it and installed a worktop. I even painted the inside a bright yellow to make it feel like the sun is shining even through the dark winter days🌄. Now I just need to find somewhere to put all my stuff to make room for me.
Now that most of the hurdles have been overcome, hopefully I'll get on with the job of building of guitars.... although I imagine there will be a few more hurdles to come.
Stay Tuned.
Woow ...Looking too much good and beautiful.. My favorite color.
Still haven't managed to get the humidity and temperature in the shed under control so I decided to sign up for a college course where we're going to build a small acoustic guitar over the next six months. Started my first day today. When the weather improves I'll start my Bandsman build in tandem with it.
Hope to keep you posted on how it goes....wish me luck. 😱
@russ This sounds really cool Russ, quite comprehensive. Is it an instrument making course or general woodworking and your project is a guitar? Where is it at?
This sounds really cool Russ, quite comprehensive. Is it an instrument making course or general woodworking and your project is a guitar? Where is it at?
They're running this shortened course this year due to Covid. Normally there's a one year National Certificate in Stringed instrument making which can progress to a two year Higher National Diploma. You can normally choose which stringed instrument you make (acoustic) but for this shortened course we're all making a small parlour guitar. If I'm any good at it I'm hoping to progress to the NC next term. It's in Glasgow.
Still hoping to progress with my Bandsman build at home when the weather improves enough.
There is something very meditative and hypnotic about sharpening chisels. We're just using wetstones unless the tip is badly damaged then we start with the grinding wheel.
This is a great move for you I think. Sharpening hand tools is a good way to learn woodwork. Most people rely on machines these days which takes all the fun out. Don’t get carried away though, tool sharpening is a means to an end not an end in itself.
Some people call me a tool, others are less complimentary. Tools being useful things.
This is a great move for you I think. Sharpening hand tools is a good way to learn woodwork. Most people rely on machines these days which takes all the fun out. Don’t get carried away though, tool sharpening is a means to an end not an end in itself.
Cheers @rocknroller912. Enjoying the sharpening experience but can't wait to get started on the build.
Well Peeps. After two and a half weeks weeks of learning how to sharpen and set up the hand tools, then practicing on scrap wood I've got the sides scraped down to 2mm ready to hopefully bend them by hand next week. 😱🤞
Once I get a bit further down the line I'll put up some more pictures.
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