Never held a saw in my life but I'm super excited to start my guitar making journey. Not sure how I'll accomplish this within my studio apartment but I've just ordered a router so now I'm committed ha!
Guitar building in a studio apartment, I hope you have very understanding neighbours!!🤣🤣
Anyway, welcome the forums, enjoy your guitar making journey and, perhaps most importantly, stay safe if you’re not used to working with power tools in particular and all tools in general.
@nortski Don’t know if you are subscribed as a full member with access to the course material or just a forum member but I think you’d benefit from having access to the course videos. It would make the process much easier and more enjoyable. With regard to having access to the proper tools for the job, have a look at and search for a shed in your area, as far as I can see there are 6 or 7 men’s sheds in Leeds. There you might find an abundance of the tools you will need to make the work easier and there will be help and advice on how to use them effectively and safely.
Here’s an equation that is useful:
If A = number of fingers at start of work
and B = number of fingers at end of work
Then if A-B is </= 0 then all is well.
If A-B is >/= 1 call an ambulance.
Hi @nortski. If you got the spare time take yourself up to Harrogate for the woodworking show in November. It's cheapish to get in but you have to be careful not to feel like a kid in a candy shop. The demos on using tools are great.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️