@tej We definitely do want to see your builds, every one of them. Even if we are all building the same model, this is a school, a training ground and an exhibition.
I am building another Bailey Bandsman right now (as you know) but to my knowledge nobody here has modified the design to cover the neck joint with a wooden plate and painted over it to hide it. I’m not showing off or bragging, I’m just saying that even though it’s the same guitar design I and others have built before, any mods are logged here so everyone can reference them for their own personal plans for a build of their own.
I don’t upload all of my stuff for me, it’s for everyone. I might look back on what I’ve done with this current Bandsman build and think, actually this wasn’t the best solution so perhaps anyone should avoid it, or, yes it was a perfectly good solution, maybe someone should try this.
This is why scientist record all of their data when running experiments or research. They write papers and publish their findings, even if the results are not what they expected and seem irrelevant. It’s their for the whole scientific community to access, read and interpret so everyone learns from each other.
If everyone works in isolation, yes we could come up with some cool stuff but I also think that we (humans) work better when we have others around us too.
Today’s scientists have read papers of the people that ran experiments and wrote papers from many generations before them. Anyone at any time can pick up some research from any period of recorded data and either rerun of modify an experiment. Having recordings of that experiment may show what didn’t work (so to avoid maybe) as well as a solution that did work.
Now I do realise we are talking about building guitars here, not the Large Hadron Collider but the principle is the same. We take what was there before and build upon it, adapt it, evolve it or even innovate.
Record, record, record for the community. ✌️😁🎸
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
I do realise we are talking about building guitars here, not the Large Hadron Collider
@boo Ah, i was going to run a miniature Hadron Collider in the body of the bandsman, maybe it’s just not necessary, hmmm 🤔
I’ll get some pics posted up of progress so far later if I get time, I’m compiling a video too which I’ll post after it’s all finished.
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
Thank you @markbailey (and Carol) what a lovely guitar.
I will play her over the weekend and maybe post it...you don’t want to hear my rubbish playing though.
I have too many guitars...said no one in the world..ever!
Right back to work
It's Friday afternoon. You're off to the pub really, aren't you?
(Note that I responded to your "unboxing" video within ONE minute of you posting it. I've been sat here, hitting F5 all morning ....)
Online guitar making courses – guitarmaking.co.uk
It's Friday afternoon. You're off to the pub really, aren't you?
@tv101 I thought all the pubs were still shut, no? Just shows how much I’m interested in getting out to a pub.🤣
I will be in the right moment, in a decent pub in a decent country when some of us can meet up. 🏴🍻
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
It's Friday afternoon. You're off to the pub really, aren't you?
Yeah right ... I wish...just finished for the week. It was a mad one
and now to play the guitar over the weekend 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I have too many guitars...said no one in the world..ever!
It's Friday afternoon. You're off to the pub really, aren't you?
Yeah right ... I wish...just finished for the week. It was a mad one
and now to play the guitar over the weekend 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Your knife skills are noted as very impressive, looks like you’ve carved the Sunday joint a few times.
Yes quite a few - I should have used the Bailey Guitar makers knife 😉
I have too many guitars...said no one in the world..ever!