So here I go with Parlour N°2. It's pretty much the same as my first attempt but this time with X-bracing rather than ladder bracing. I'll try and give a wee bit more of an explanation of the process of this build.
Starting with the neck......
take your rough sawn Neck Blank.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️
I started by squaring up the neck blank. Planing one of the faces flat and smooth then squaring up both of the edges. I kept the blank wider than the widest part of the headstock....80mm. I allowed 200mm for the headstock, 5mm for the nut, 315mm from the nut to the 12th fret, 20mm for the dovetail and around 50-80mm spare for any errors. I cut the wood here and kept the rest to make heel. I marked out the blocks for the heel and numbered them so I can glue them together in order with the grain flowing in the same direction.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️
Place the two pieces of the neck into the vice as shown in this picture and plane the joint flat and square and keeping the angle of the scarf joint. Plane this up to the line of the nut although there is some spare length in the neck to move the nut back if you accidentally plane over the nut line.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️
Once the two pieces are planed flat and square they can be glued together as shown in the pictures. The thickness of the join between the headstock piece and the neck piece should be measured at 14mm.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️
Then I drew out the headstock shape using a template. This headstock is 163mm long. The peg holes are 12mm in from the edge. The first is 43mm from the nut. Then 40mm to the next and 40mm to the third. Repeat on both sides.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️