Thistle 2: The arch...
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Thistle 2: The archtop

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Previously posted under "Return of the Thistle" I have been making slow progress. Main problem was the hand cut dovetail neck joint which is now complete and done with very sharp chisels, a digital micrometer and a lot of nerve. Binding also done and heading into the finishing thought process.

Here are some update pics for your amusement.

IMG 20191107 091343[587]
IMG 20191103 162955[557]
IMG 20191020 112320[565]
IMG 20191003 094418[570]


Koendb, mattbeels, Rocknroller912 and 11 people reacted
mark bailey
Guitar Making God
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Great work John ! Thanks for sharing the pics - Inspiring.

Inlays and frets then you are ready for finishing?

Are you going to leave the front of the fretboard blank (side dots only)?

Measure twice, cut once...

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Bill Flude
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Looks really good!


Measure once........ Measure again......... Sod it - make tea!

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You were right Mark. Side dots only. Frets next. Been experimenting with water based dyes on scraps from the original body wedges but don't think the maple will "pop" like the really flamed guitars do. So. To stain or not to stain. What colour? M Taylor said green.   GREEN ???? All opinions welcome.

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mark bailey
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Green was my favourite colour for guitars once - I was going to call my company 'Green Guitars' - and they were all going to be green...glad I didnt'! I have some green color tone stain if you want to pop in?

Measure twice, cut once...

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Oh Wow excellent John.

Favourite colour for an archtop has to be heritage cherry red.

es 335 2016 hd 4 111129

Trying to make a living out of a hobby doesn't work 🙂

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Progress thanks to the bad weather. Making the ancillary bits and bobs and have ordered all the parts to finish the guitar. Decided on stain colour. Not green!!!!

IMG 20200211 154844[771]

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Anonymous 14009
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Fine work. Would love to play it when finished. 
Rockers don’t get it. Green or red for a jazz guitar! Nah. 
Are you going for a neck floating pickup or leave it acoustic? Guild have reissued the classic DeArmond although it’s made in China probably.



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Thanks but you'll have to join the queue already wanting a "shot". Pick up is to be finger rest mounted KA Jazzy Joe. Hoping for playability about Easter.

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I have finished the lacquer application and now have to wait for it to harden up before the final finish/polish process so I have started on the electrics. I'm using Schatten volume and tone controls with the KA pickup and having fun trying to understand two different wiring diagram. Not so much "watch this space" as "listen carefully". I suppose I'll have to wait for the strings before I know if it's correct.

IMG 20200221 193847[787]

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As in the Rolling Stones song "It's all over now". A year has passed and what have I got to show for it. Thisle 2 the archtop. All nicely polished and strung. Still got the fine intonation to do once it has settled down but it is now ready to play. I wonder what it sounds like.

Thanks to Martin Taylor for the initial idea (instruction) and to Mark and Carol at Bailey Guitars for the help and encouragement. 

If you want to annoy Mark, tell him to do an archtop build course. As if he is not busy enough.

IMG 20200313 142713
IMG 20200313 142545
IMG 20200313 142555
IMG 20200313 142530
IMG 20200313 142516
IMG 20200313 142453

tv1, mattbeels, Rocknroller912 and 11 people reacted
Bill Flude
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That is very beautiful.

Well done!

Any chance you can post a video so that we can hear it?

Measure once........ Measure again......... Sod it - make tea!

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Thanks bill. You mean that I have to learn to play it? Watch this space. I have an idea.

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mark bailey
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 - A touch of Amber on the back and sides? Vintage-tastic!

Well done John - well impressive indeed! It was a pleasure to help but I think you didn't need a lot from me - top job - massive chunk of HERO points duly awarded...

Archtop course has been 'on the list' since before you started as you know but who knows? The way things are going right now looks like I might have more time 'self isolating' in the workshop might actually get to catch up on a few things...


Measure twice, cut once...

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Thanks Mark. I'm still fine tuning action and relief as it settles down. I'll drop in to let you see it soon.

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I have been off line for a while but am still alive and kicking. I refinished the face of the acoustic to get rid of a crazing effect and bothe are sounding good despite my playing abilities. As posted elsewhere, Martin Taylor asked me to take them up to his studio and "we'll record them".  !!!!!!!!

He did the playing and I sat quietly in a corner. I will see if I cam post the video on this site but it might be a bit big.

PS. I have a thought for a new project using some of the elm (remember it Mark) from my house in Maybole. at the thinking stage just now.

regards.  John McM

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@jmcmi93888 That build is just stunning..👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I have too many guitars...said no one in the world..ever!

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Brilliant build it must be good if Martin Taylor wanted to play it.

Some people call me a tool, others are less complimentary. Tools being useful things.

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This is the video I made of Martin Taylor playing my guitars.

 Highlight of my "musical" career.

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Absolutely amazing! I saw Martin playing with Stephane Grappelli at the Cambridge folk festival when I was about 19 (I am now 56!) and then in Birmingham about 7 years later. Such an amazing musician, you are very lucky to have this connection with him, such a great guitarist.

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