Well, that’s that t...
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Well, that’s that then!!

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Brian Walker
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Hi Everyone,

Must say I’m as proud as punch today having finished my first attempt at building an electric guitar from scratch. Thanks to Mark’s fantastic course, I’m now the proud owner of a guitar that I built myself. It has been the most incredible, rewarding, frustrating, enjoyable experience. I’m well pleased with the final result, it plays well, sounds good, is a bit portly at 9 pounds but no less loved for that.

Early days 

E3BF9458 9DC2 4FB5 B058 76F69C8E7AF8

 Mistakes along the way

53E46713 7AA6 4C80 858F 5BC143CC9942

 But in the end, lessons learnt, skills gained and time well spent.

D45E8997 67DE 48C2 9730 989BB4BBB570
E256AEC8 DE5D 4410 8083 321E2EFB06CB
BDF2385C AE49 42C9 B265 D97900325455
CA56EE88 7340 4667 B753 2ED412FE9FB4

 Thanks must also go to y’all in the forums for your help and advice along the road, much appreciated 😃👍

Now, what will I do next?

That’s easily answered...... on to the next one!!

Addicted? You bet!!

Oh and there’s always the Build your own Acoustic course to have a look at...... just a look, couldn’t do any harm just to look could it?



tyreman, Boo, swepri and 5 people reacted
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Well done Brian, thats looking good, and yes it is addictive. Be careful with that acoustic course, I started off just drawing one, I never dreamt that I'd actually build it.

Boo, swepri, Dan Hawkes and 1 people reacted
Brian Walker
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@robin Thanks Robin, it’s been a blast and I really only want to have look at the Acoustic course, honest!!🤣🤣

Thing is, you know how you always have bits left over when you finish a job, well it seems I’ve got this neck left over🤪🤣

0E29CCE8 9095 4B4B 821E EA76CB93A0FC

 That was very careless of me, wonder how that happened, still it would be a shame to see it go to waste!!

Watch this space.


Boo, swepri, Russ and 1 people reacted
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Nice work Brian. Looks great. Enjoy the Acoustic challenge too. 


🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️

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Brian Walker
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@russ Thanks Russ, bit on the heavy side but otherwise I’m well pleased with it. Going to have a look at the acoustic course but I think I’ll probably do another electric come the spring time.👍😃🎸

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Dan Hawkes
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@brie good work!

I often look at the acoustic course, but find myself building 'just one more' electric!

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mark bailey
Guitar Making God
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Great job Brian 👍 - Thanks for sharing the pics...and for your kind words...makes it all worthwhile! 

Measure twice, cut once...

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Brian Walker
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@liebe Thanks Dan, having a rest for a while, at least until the weather is a bit warmer, then get going on the next one👍😃🎸

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Brian Walker
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@markbailey Thanks for your kind words Mark, I would have been very reluctant to start on such an endeavour without your fantastic videos and the end result would not have been of the same quality. I can’t thank you enough, my only regret is that I should have done this years ago. The knowledge and skills I’ve learnt in the last year are invaluable and, with them I look forward to more projects in the future.

All the very best to you and Carol.

Thanks a Million.


Boo, swepri, Russ and 2 people reacted
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What are you doing on here? Get back in the shed and start number 2! 🤣 


Guitar looks good, weights fine. Anything lighter than a les paul is fine lol


I started at the beginning of the whole lockdown thing, the other day I had a count up. I've made 19 guitars! Sold 9! I only started for something to do at the time lol

tyreman, Boo, swepri and 3 people reacted
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@brie Good work! Nothing beats playing your own instruments for the first time.

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Brian Walker
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@nsj I’m getting used to the weight of it, maybe I’m building up my muscles!!🤣🤣

Not sure that my good lady would be too chuffed with me building 19 guitars, future projects may need to be sold.😃

Anyhow, I’ll be having a wee break before the next build.


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Brian Walker
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@swepri Yes there’s a special feeling to playing something you’ve made.

There’s also that strange mixture of feelings when I finish a project, part pride and satisfaction and part disappointment that it’s finished. I guess the cure for that is to get on with the next one!!🤪🤣👍🤣

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@brie Congratulations Brian. It’s such a good feeling isn’t it? 

The guitar looks great and I’m glad you’ve enjoyed the process. 

I agree with @nsj What are you doing here? Get back in the workshop and build your next one. ✊😁 

Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸

Russ, swepri and Robin reacted
Brian Walker
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@boo Thanks Boo, it’s not perfect but that’s why there has to be the next one, isn’t it? 👍🤣

I have been back in the workshop but doing something a bit more down to earth - fixing a couple of broken chairs from the local pub - not as exciting as guitar building but it might earn me a couple of free pints!!🤣🤣👍🍻🎸


swepri, Boo, Dan Hawkes and 2 people reacted
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@brie I've not managed to start another yet, just had all the air source heat pump, solar and insulation done so it's been mental! Now it's making shelving and stuff to move things around and get some normality back.


And then, I can get back out to the shed and get on with building! Oooh I've got a few lined up this year lol

Russ, swepri and Boo reacted
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@brie Nice one, that sounds good. You can’t go wrong with keeping on the right side of your local pub landlord. 🥃🥃👍

This post was modified 12 months ago by Boo

Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸

Russ, swepri and Robin reacted
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@nsj We’ve just had all of that done but it’s all working well now. It is very disruptive but worth it.

Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸

Russ, swepri and Robin reacted
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@boo first time in my life I've lived in a warm house, it's very weird. A lot cheaper though, was about £6 on leccy and £12 a day on coal and wood! Now I can have toasty house for anything from £4 to £10. Brilliant!


Come summer time I'll be using solar to power all my tools too lol

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@nsj Got solar panels installed last summer. In my area we have the first really snowy winter in years, so virtually no production at the moment. No fun!

But it sure is nice when the white stuff is gone.

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