Hi. What are the depth dimensions of the Bailey Bootlegger at the heel, lower bout and tail once shaping the back is done. Thanks
I will give you dimensions of my Bootlegger - but don't get too hung up about it...it doesn't really matter.
You can make yours any depth you like. The shape is not critical either - just try to make a nice curve.
I don't usually worry about measurements here unless they are a custom requirement.
Mark's Bootlegger:
heel: 85mm
lower bout: 107mm
tail: 106mm
Jumbo size:
tail: 120mm
Heel: 95mm
Normally I would decide on the depth and cut the tailblock and heel blocks to suit - other measurements at the upper and lower bout are not usually needed.
Measure twice, cut once...
Thanks Mark
Thank you for your good suggestions it is really impactful.
Peter Virdee