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Fret slot depth

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Hi all, brand new member and subscriber here with a question regarding fret slot depth. After sawing the slot won't there be a gap underneath the middle of the fret? Wouldn't this give us a dead fret?

Brian Walker Brian Walker 26/10/2023 9:42 am
This post was modified 1 year ago by Brian Walker

@nortski Hi and welcome to the forums. Having built those two beauties, you don’t seem like much of a novice to me!! My understanding ( limited!!) on fret slot depth is that the slot should be approx 25 % deeper than the fret tang, so there would be a gap under the whole of the fret tang, more of a gap in the middle due to the radius unless the slot is recut once the board is radiused. Of course you cold buy a ready radiused and slotted board, no shame in that. Good luck with the build, will look forward to seeing some photos of your progress. Regards, Brian👍😃🎸

swepri 26/10/2023 11:06 am

@nortski It is not unusual to fill the slot with glue, either before inserting the fret, or using thin superglue applied at the fret ends. This should supposedly secure the fret ends and make firmer contact between the frets and the fretboard.

I usually use some superglue by the fret ends before cutting of the excess.

nortski Topic starter 26/10/2023 5:27 pm

Thanks for the replies guys, some really useful tips!
