Hi guys. I'm just building the headstock angle jig for the bandsman. Excuse me if I'm being super thick here im totally new to all this so be gentle lol.
OK so I'm following Marks video on it but I've come to cut the actual angle so measured 20mm then 300mm then Mark says 67mm....now on a 70mm width side piece that leaves 3mm at the top doesn't it. On the video it looks a lot more. Also Mark then cuts the piece shorter to 12inches as there is excess...I don't get that excess with using the measurements from the video.
Apologies once again if I'm being a total idiot but any help is welcome.
Hey Hursty - no problem ...I've been trying to get my head round this... 🙂
I don't think it makes any difference...as long as you follow the measurements I gave the angle should be the same...how much is left at the top depends on how tall the guides are - it doesn't really matter. Maybe mine were a bit taller than specified but that is OK.
Please correct me if I am wrong somebody!
Measure twice, cut once...
Please correct me if I am wrong somebody!
I made mine with slightly different dimensions for the rails but cut the angle based on the measurements from the video, worked out fine. Just cut the angle pieces together to ensure they’re matched.
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
@hursty by the way if you’re unsure with any of the jigs have a look at the lessons they’re used in, it’ll soon become clear what you can and can’t tweak to your liking. The headstock thickness Jig for example, I’ve had to make with rails lower than specified because the plunge on my router with the bit I’m using for surface routing won’t go deep enough.
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
OK so I'm following Marks video on it but I've come to cut the actual angle so measured 20mm then 300mm then Mark says 67mm....now on a 70mm width side piece that leaves 3mm at the top doesn't it. On the video it looks a lot more. Also Mark then cuts the piece shorter to 12inches as there is excess...I don't get that excess with using the measurements from the video.
@hursty It may differ slightly depending on the height of the rails people use. It really doesn’t matter how high the rails are so long as they are higher than the neck blank when it’s lying flat in the jig with the truss rod slot showing. If you use those measurements Mark gives, the rails are higher than the blank and you can cut the angle, variation in the angle length doesn’t matter. The higher the rails, the longer the angle length will be. The rails could be 10 foot tall and the jig would still work for the job, although that would be silly. 😁👍
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
Cheers @boo, thanks for the advice. I think I've done it correctly now. 😀 Great that there's such a good forum on here where us thicko's can ask questions. I felt a bit stupid asking but better to ask than to do it wrong and screw my neck blank up.
I felt a bit stupid asking but better to ask than to do it wrong and screw my neck blank up.
@hursty No, don’t ever feel stupid, that’s what this forum is for, asking questions and getting help. If something is unfamiliar and you haven’t done it before, it isn’t a stupid question and you shouldn’t think that you are a “thicko”.
Questions, no matter how trivial they seem to some, are all part of the learning process. It also gives the more experienced of us the opportunity to reinforce our knowledge by answering them. Everybody wins.
Obviously, nobody here is as experienced as @markbailey at building guitars but everything we have learned off him over the years, we have gained through asking questions as well as doing the courses.
I have noticed that sometimes people tend to focus too much on the slightest little detail and over think things too much (myself included). However, it is good to make sure you have the basic things clear in your head before continuing, just make sure.
There isn’t any maths involved as far I can remember, just the ability to use a ruler. It’s just understanding concepts and processes, and once you’ve done it a few times, it all becomes easier. Mistakes will definitely happen on every build but we also learn to fix them along the way.
Never feel like you can’t ask questions or feel embarrassed, we have all been there but this is a learning environment, nobody is going to shout at you or belittle you. This is a great, inclusive forum for everyone.
You can include pictures with your questions too so it’s easier for us to see what you mean. We can help you with the IT computer bits too if needed.
Keep going and keep talking. 👍
Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸
I felt a bit stupid asking but better to ask than to do it wrong and screw my neck blank up.
It's *never* a stupid thing to stop and ask a question. And if you don't know the answer, there's no such thing as a stupid question.
Always better to complete the "learning opportunity" stage before you do something, rather than afterwards!!!
Online guitar making courses – guitarmaking.co.uk
It's *never* a stupid thing to stop and ask a question
Indeed, just try to avoid my system of asking all the questions about one little details of the design and the route the truss rod slot without the depth stop locked on the router 😛 😬
@hursty seriously, if you’re unsure just shout and you’ll likely get a helpful response as opposed to the usual Internet response from forum police telling you that someone asked the same question 13 months ago and you should just look at that if you can find it 🙂
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.