So after putting some straight edges either side of the fretboard with the neck in the socket it’s a few mm off centre at the bridge, plan today is to temporarily put the nut on and run threads for the e strings to the bridge to check it’s not just that I’ve taken more off one side of the neck than the other.
If it turns out I’ve routed the socket at an angle, what are my options to correct that, if any? If there isn’t a clean way to adjust it I was contemplating offsetting the bridge to compensate so at least it would still play well! 🤔
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
@koendb set neck, not sure how I’d go about making a shim thin enough! Anyway I should check it against the path of the strings and bridge first and check how big the problem is, sorry, should have done that before posting really!!
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
So I’m a little less concerned about this now, in terms of the fretboard and the strings running parallel to the edges it lines up fairly close, the bridge will need to be maybe .5mm off the centre line possibly less. I’m going to revisit this after I’ve sorted out the break angle on the heel and can seat the neck properly and the bridge on the body. I think given the error being quite small a slightly offset bridge will be preferable to laminating the socket and rerouting it as I think that has more likelihood of going horribly wrong.
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.
I think given the error being quite small a slightly offset bridge will be preferable to laminating the socket and rerouting it as I think that has more likelihood of going horribly wrong.
If it is just ever so slightly, I also would not loose any sleep over it. I had the same issue with my telecaster, not 100% accurate, but you can make up with the bridge positioning. Keep on going @tej!
I wouldn’t worry about 0.5mm as long as all 6 strings line up with the pick up pole pieces. To make a thin shim start with a bit longer than you need and clamp it down. Mark the size you need and scrape it down. Sometimes shims to the neck are better than the pocket, easier to glue and easier to rub down by hand.
Some people call me a tool, others are less complimentary. Tools being useful things.
@rocknroller912 I might need to do this as the fret board has ever so slightly snuck beneath the body. Alternatively I could just taper the very top outside edges of the pocket to match so it looks more intentional which is probably less hassle!
…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.