Topic starter
15/12/2024 11:20 pm
Purple Mustang is finally dry, so I’ve been assembling and finally got down to electronics and I realized I ran my pickup wires through the mounting holes… so now I need to unpot them and reroute the wire….. I don’t need any help, just commiserate with me 😭
16/12/2024 8:35 am
Measure twice, cut once... or beter say: Look closely, solder 1 time. 😭 🤣
Russ and SomethingNicer reacted
16/12/2024 12:38 pm
Oooft! It happens to the best of us.... 🙄
Measure twice, cut once...
Russ and SomethingNicer reacted
16/12/2024 8:53 pm
Ah @somethingnicer, that sucks, I feel for you, man.
Still, I bet you never do it again!
Russ and SomethingNicer reacted