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Recommended black Cyanoacrylate for inlays?

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My Tonetech black CA gave up before I could use it (very cold workshop) so I’m looking around for a suitable replacement for doing my Mother of Pearl inlays into ebony.

Tonetech now supply a ‘semi-translucent’ black Gluboost. Is that appropriate?

Axminster Tools do a ‘thick’ black CA for filling. I suspect that’s not going to be useful.

I found COLLE 21 BLACK on Amazon but that gets delivered from France for £7.50 - which is almost as much as the glue.

Any suggestions?

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Crimson sell their own stuff in their shop - although it seems to be out of stock more often than in stock.



Looks like *all* their glues have now disappeared from the shop.  Chestnut Products do one but it's also described as "thick".  I've used their other CA glues, but not the black one.

This post was modified 7 months ago by tv1

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I have heard a few people talking very favourably about the Gluboost stuff James. Apparently it can be used for that very job and a number of other infill jobs. I haven't used it myself yet so can't really comment on how well it works. 



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Dan Hawkes
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Hi @jamesbisset,

I'd you're doing a tester it might be worth trying the black thick ca glue from O3 adhesives.

I've not used their black, but their clear ca is good, as is the accelerator.

They're a UK brand, I think, so I think the pricing is more favourable than gluboost. 



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@liebe Thanks Dan. It looks like black superglue is thick. 03a describe theirs as medium thick. 

I’ve just ordered a 20g bottle from because £6.95.

Small Wonder says, “Black Superglue tends to be thick in consistency so I usually squeeze some out onto an old plate and apply it bit by bit on the end of a wooden toothpick. I find it tends to "sink" better this way.”

So I’m also going to take another look at my 2 year old unused bottle. When I squeeze it the glue doesn’t move. But I turned it upside down yesterday and today the glue is at the other end.

Thanks too to @tv101 and @russ 🙂

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Posted by: @jamesbisset

Small Wonder says, “Black Superglue tends to be thick in consistency so I usually squeeze some out onto an old plate and apply it bit by bit on the end of a wooden toothpick.


The most important word in that sentence is "old".

But be careful because (current company excepted) some old things are apparently valued.



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Posted by: @jamesbisset

So I’m also going to take another look at my 2 year old unused bottle. When I squeeze it the glue doesn’t move. But I turned it upside down yesterday and today the glue is at the other end.

Dear reader, it was too thick to go through the nozzle. I took the nozzle off and managed to squeeze out a glutinous blob, but I’m not going to risk that on my headstock or inlays.

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Little tips for looking after your super glue, James. 

Keep it in the fridge inside a sealed plastic bag upright so all the glue sits in the bottom of the bottle. 

Before you put it in the fridge tap the bottle on your worktop. When all the glue has dropped to the bottom wipe off any excess from the tip of the nozzle, squeeze the bottle until you have air pushing out through the nozzle then put the lid back on tightly. 


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Dan Hawkes
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Hey @jamesbisset 

I find using whip tips to control the speed/application of ca glue a game changer and helps prevent bubbles.They often fit directly onto the bottle, but you can also decant a bit of glue into a plastic pippette and pop the whip tip onto that. 

This kinda thing:

I've used it with thick black ca with no issues

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Thanks for all the tips folks. I used the black CA with a tooth pick on the first pass. I’ve got some micro-tip applicators but they were far too fine for the cavernous gaps I needed to fill.

At the weekend, a guitar builder in the pub (I know, tiny village in the middle of nowhere, what’s the chances!) suggested I use ebony sawdust and ordinary CA mixed. Which looked promising until the glue set on the toothpick before it even got to the workpiece.

So then I mixed the sawdust with the black CA (which has a much longer cure time) and finally got the job done. The Small Wonder Music black CA is also a little translucent so mixing the sawdust worked well.

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