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What should I do with this?

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It's a large chunk of mahogany, dimensions  53" x 4" x 3".  Or 1340 x 100 x 75 in new mmoney.  It's quite weighty.  Pictured with a couple of G-style blanks for comparison.

I've had it for a while, with a vague idea of using it for a thru-neck, but not sure that's the best use for it.  

It's rift sawn.  Where it's been shaped at one end, there are a couple of worm holes (which, I think, is why the previous owner sold it on).

I could use it for a thru-neck, but would probably split it into 3 lengths and flip the middle section (maybe with some veneers between for a bit of visual niceness) to protect against it moving.

Or I could probably get two G-style neck blanks out of it (might need to scarf joint one of the headstocks), or maybe even 4 F-style blanks.  Either option could again be split into 3, flipped / veneered and re-joined.

Thoughts?  If @markbailey is around, this is a piece that I could bring next month, possibly cut and prepped in advance if I can decide on what to do with it.


20230727 083440sml
20230727 083429sml
20230727 113924sml

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Posted by: @tv101

Thoughts?  If @markbailey is around, this is a piece that I could bring next month, possibly cut and prepped in advance if I can decide on what to do with it.


Are you going on a workshop @tv101? Very jealous.



🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️

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Just a few days @Russ - it's possible that another member of this little forum might be there also 😉


I've been told that Ayrshire in August is the best time to visit.  Shouldn't be too hot.  Nor too dry.  And one of the days shouldn't be a howling gale either.

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Posted by: @tv101

It's a large chunk of mahogany, dimensions  53" x 4" x 3".  Or 1340 x 100 x 75 in new mmoney.  It's quite weighty.  Pictured with a couple of G-style blanks for comparison.

I've had it for a while, with a vague idea of using it for a thru-neck, but not sure that's the best use for it.  

It's rift sawn.  Where it's been shaped at one end, there are a couple of worm holes (which, I think, is why the previous owner sold it on).

I could use it for a thru-neck, but would probably split it into 3 lengths and flip the middle section (maybe with some veneers between for a bit of visual niceness) to protect against it moving.


Build more, worry less. That's my motto lol. Seriously though, I'd only be concerned if I was shipping it elsewhere in the world with extreme temps.


Out of the 14 guitars I've built I've only had one neck warp and it was the most expensive fanciest piece of proper stable neck wood I've ever used! 🤣 




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