Stunning work Russ - the detail, the precision and the woodworking skills.
I noticed a few jigs and techniques in your very detailed write-up that I thought I'll probably adopt if I ever get the nerve to tackle an acoustic build, so thanks for all the photos and explanations.
Now enjoy playing it!
Online guitar making courses –
Bloody hell Russ! That's just made my evening!
I've been away from this forum and my shed for too long but this post has spurred me on beyond belief. Thank you for taking the time to post this and to share you're skills. I'll be revisiting this post for sure for inspiration and advice and hope to see a vid of this guitar soon bashing out some Robert Johnson or Skip James toons 🙂
Cheers James. Very much appreciated. If you need any specific details or measurements just let me know.
🗝️ "Life's what you make it"🗝️