Last seen: Sep 10, 2024
Thanks Mark, that means a lot. The trouble is, all the effort in making the molds, templates, jigs and solera........all the fidling about trying to...
I've got this jig ....25 or 25.5 " scale length thatI had before I bought one of Bagpress's excellent fretboard cutting kits. It's yours if you want...
Bloody hell Russ! That's just made my evening! I've been away from this forum and my shed for too long but this post has spurred me on beyond belief...
@bpower Actually Sir, I owe you an apology...... I saw a ridiculously priced Martin soprano uke today and indeed..... the fretboard didn't stop j...
Thanks Mark, Now that I've cut out the sound hole I'd struggle to cut a perfectly concentric groove so I'll probably just live with it .......I don...
I think that because the fretboard meets the soundboard around the 12th fret that by the time the fretboard was lengthened to cover the offending arti...
Thanks Russ, I think that if I tried that I'd just dig myself further into the deep do do 🤣 I reckon I'll just live with it, learn from it and a...
Bring it in, Bruv........ ......Let's (socially distanced of course) hug it out 🙂
Sorry to hear that Mark...... Best wishes heading Northward from Cornwall.
Looks great, Seb - you deserve to feel proud..... it's an incredible feeling isn't it! How does it sound?
What happens on a Thursday that I'm missing?
Yeah.... but... Stew Mac........
Thanks for all your input folks. That's a resounding 'NO' from the forum then with the exception of Eddie6string. I'll use the money on masking ta...