Frets levelled and crowned and strings on. Spent some time adjusting the saddle height, but still need to bring the nut down a bit now, and maybe slacken the truss rod, there's a bit of buzz playing up on the higher frets. The intonation is pretty much bang on though.
As promised here's some more photos now that its finished (apart from the strings needing trimmed) I'm absolutely delighted with it. Huge thanks to @markbailey for the inspiration and for passing on the knowledge of how to do this, and to all the rest of you that have encouraged me on this journey. I tried attached a wee video, so you can hear what it sounds like, but the file is too big. I'm not a player but I think it would sound good in the right hands.
Great job @Robin - thanks for your kind words and for sharing the pics for us all to admire. Maybe you can upload the vid to youtube or elsewhere and just drop the link here so we can watch?
Anyhow.. this is what makes it all worthwhile for me, to see someone using my videos to make something amazing! Here's to the next one...👏
Measure twice, cut once...
Maybe this link to my video will work, and I'll repeat, I'm not a player, I just play enough amuse myself.
You did meet me in person briefly a few years ago, I came down to collect an electric kit from you that became my build #002. I had brought my #001 body with me that was made from a bit of pine from under my caravan and you showed on one of your covid livestreams. Your livestreams were a lifesaver back then when we were all locked down.
Are you moving to another area or same region?
We're looking at Dumbarton or near there, we need to be closer to our granddaughter. The tough bit is clearing out 35 years of accumulated junk that might come in handy some day.