@brie I bring whatever wood I'm using in the house when it starts getting cold and damp, half built guitar or whatever. Just take it out the to the shed to do bits then back in. I think Mark suggested doing that in one of his lives too. Stop the wood from absorbing moisture.
I also get condensation but on steel tools, I keep all my handplanes etc in those plastic storage boxes with damp traps. Use machine wax on the pillar drill, bandsaw table and such.
@robin it's been mental but fortunately I'm to high up to be affected, people over Brechin way had to get evacuated and all sorts. Water up about 6ft in the houses and stuff. There's timelapse of the river esk, thing rose like 3 metres or more!
@nsj Yesterday, after doing some final shaping of the heel, volute and headstock, I’ve moved the body and neck indoors. They’re in the spare bedroom which isn’t central heated and the temp has been around 15degrees. Will probably leave it there while I’m not working on it.
Yes, I get condensation on tools as well, have been using machine wax on them for a couple of years now, makes a great difference. Sounds like you’re maybe not too far away from where I am, judging by your storm experience and your comments about Brechin and the Esk Rivers.
Thanks for the advice.
Brian👍😃 🎸in🏡
@swepri Thanks for that, guitar body and neck are now sleeping in the spare bedroom, which has at least a fairly stable temperature. Just hope we don’t get any visitors, they might not like having guitar parts in bed with them and all that breathing would upset the humidity!!🤣🤣
Gluing in the neck will be done in the house. I had a glue up that went badly on a non guitar project a while back due to low temperatures, had to clean everything up and reglue. Once bitten twice shy.
neje 3 plus, got it off ebay. I seen a friend using it on his youtube and asked what he was using, he had the 2 plus but it wasn't available so I got the 3 plus. It's bigger than his so I can brag now lol
Thanks! Which effect does it have? There seems to be 30W and 80W versions available. Do you plan to do other stuff than burning logos, like cutting control covers?
@nsj That’s about what I plan to do when gluing in the neck, time it so the heating is on so it gets a few hours in the warm and leave it overnight in the relevant warm.
You’re not too far away from us, we’re just north of Montrose on the coast.
@brie St Cyrus! That was it. Gourdon is past johnshaven. I was trying to remember them in order going from Montrose lol. Bought my first electric from a guy in St Cyrus, he played the cult lil devil on it and I was sold.
It's the fresh needles and berries that are toxic with yew really, the worst you'll get with sawdust is just general slight irritation but even that's rare. Some people just can't take wood dust in general anyway.