Hi folks, thought I'd share some shots of my first guitar build following Mark's BYO online course.
You've probably seen me pop up from time to time with odd questions in a desperate need to find an answer to the latest cockup. Thanks to all that answered!
I deviated in a few minor places from the course bandsman, and can happily say I've learnt loads that I'll put into my next build.
After I finished setting it up yesterday I was a little underwhelmed, but I've spent a few hours with it again today and I'm finding it really fun to play.
Massive thanks to Mark and Carol for the course and answering my questions.
Thanks Russ!
It's a Rothko and Frost decal. That and the Headstock veneer were last minute additions. I learnt a lot.
Like that decals and tru oil don't play nicely. That's the second decal I used and ended up spraying over with nitro.
@boo thanks man! I learnt a lot doing this one and want to get on with the next soon so I don't forget. I'm thinking of getting two on the go at the same time.If i can sell one that week help pay for the next(caught the bug!)
The next week be the same body design with a few tweaks. I'm thinking of incorporating binding and block inlays, probably a TOM bridge, scarfe joint headstock. Maybe not all on the same guitar...
I want to experiment with different finishes too.
I have a thought for another body design, but need to draw it up.. that's one for down the road.
Onwards toward fulfillment and poverty!
I appreciate your work in creating this masterpiece. Your fingers must dance on the fretboard, creating melodies that touch the soul. The way you would wield the six strings is pure magic! Your strumming ignites a fire within, bringing music to life.
but I've spent a few hours with it again today and I'm finding it really fun to play.
Any guitar - built or bought - that is fun to play and looks as good as yours does, is a good guitar. So congrats on your first build being a good one!
Over the next 50 builds, they'll get even better
A suggestion - your username is a bit awkward to type out (correctly) in a post to be able to tag you. You'll see that most of us have used very short usernames to make tagging each other easier. You should be able to change it easily.
Online guitar making courses – guitarmaking.co.uk