New black limba bui...
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New black limba build

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Going to do a solid neck through black limba build for ggbo community. Going with a gibby scale, floyd rose, cream binding with zebra pickups. Carvetop again but possibly a bit deeper like a prs this time. Maybe a 12th fret inlay and maybe even a logo on the headstock.

Finally made a decision and today I've been sorting out a couple of templates.


20230608 163801

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Looking forward to this one @nsj

You've been very productive over the past few months Neil. Can I ask if you've had any changes in the guitars structure since you built them or have they all remained quite stable? 


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@russ all stable, only ever had one where the neck warped and that was a very expensive piece of birds eye maple! Yet if I've used old floorboards etc they're stil as good as the day I made them lol

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Well today I finally made a start, worked everything out then got the truss rod slot sorted, fretboard pinned and headstock angle. Need to wait on binding, then shave the fretboard down and attach the binding before gluing. Won't have access otherwise with it being a neck through


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20230610 180127 01

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Posted by: @nsj

@russ all stable, only ever had one where the neck warped and that was a very expensive piece of birds eye maple! Yet if I've used old floorboards etc they're stil as good as the day I made them lol


Cheers @nsj. Good to know. 



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Little bit more work today, did the slot for the pickup wiring so when I rout out the pickup cavities the channel will appear. I cut a lot of excess off the neck to make it easier to deal with. And I used superglue and masking tape to secure the fretboard, removed the pins then used the router to trim up both sides. Now I can pull the board, plane it down for binding, glue it back on then radius etc before adding the binding.


20230611 164657
20230611 164709
20230611 175028

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Did some of the cutting out of the inner horns and planed the fretboard sides to make room for binding, so far so good.


20230612 170603
20230612 170725

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Due to taking the lady shopping today I didn't get a lot done. My binding showed up though and looks a pretty good match to my pickups. Also my new binding router kit from radian tools arrived for doing the body.

Anyway today I just got the little bit of binding in the access for the spoke wheel. Need to think of all the little things I can't do once the fretboard is glued on.


20230614 122115
20230614 170446




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Turns out the binding is to yelllow when you get it in good light but I have more browny coloured cream binding on the way which should match the pickups better, it's more yellow than it looks in the pic. 


I got the binding rout done in the upper horn, channel is 16mm deep, binding will be 6mm and carve 10mm or so.


Also clamped everything together and planed it all level, then sand paper on a block.


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20230615 155313

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New bindind arrived today, it's to white, so now I have two that don't match the pickups lol. Anyway ordered another, 3rd time lucky hopefully.


In the meantime I got the headstock all shaped, thicknessed and tuner holes drilled


Also made a couple of dummy posts so I can position the floyd nicely to line up the recess template spot on.


20230617 170245
20230617 235916
20230617 165650

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Ok so I got new binding, going with an ivory as I think it'll look great with the black limba. I'll choose some other pickups.

Did my first ever 12th fret inlay, bought a jewellers saw and some fancy blades and made myself one of those thingymagigs.Cut out the inlay from 2mm aluminium then used files to neaten things up.

Also did my usual fret markers and redid the spoke wheel access with the new binding.


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20230616 171342
20230616 180412


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@nsj that looks fantastic. A fancy inlay is something I'm still trying to build up the courage to do. 🙂

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@bpower Cheers. The secret is a dark ebony board, sawdust and superglue disappears!

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Nice work @nsj. Enjoying watching you "faffing about on YouTube" with this one. 


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Your bat inlay looks perfect, that's something else I'll have to try sometime. I had a try a while back using some shells off the beach here as inlay material, but the shell was to brittle and flakey when I tried to cut it.

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@russ my life is one big faff lol

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@robin you can get retangles of abalone and stuff off ebay, that's what I did with a view to chopping them up to make an inlay.


Mind you, i fancy doing a scaley dragon or something down a fretboard with the aluminium.

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@nsj I've got abalone dots on my current build, just the standard round ones. I'm looking forward to seeing the scaley dragon though. A bit too artistic for my talents, I'm an engineer, I do straight lines and defined curves.

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@robin but it is straight lines and defined curves, then it's just glue all the bits in lol

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Got a bit more done today


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