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I’ve had someone offer me the use of some machines I can use to prep my own blanks. Can anyone recommend a supplier of unprepared wood so I can figure out what the saving would be over buying a ready prepped blank please?

…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.

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Have a wee look at these @tej. Now we're out of Europe the taxes might make it too expensive though. 


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@russ thank you I’ll check them out, mostly it seems we only get stung for really expensive things at the moment! 

…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.

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I use this one frequently. Recommended

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Hi Tej,

Depends where you are. I've bought some lovely timber from in the Midlands and they are keen to supply instrument makers and understand our requirements - which many other timber yards aren't and don't! However, you may find that, once you've taken the wastage into account, you won't save as much money as you might have hoped. Still, there is a special satisfaction to be had by undertaking the whole process.

Good luck


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I've bought some lovely timber from /a> in the Midlands


Thanks for this tip Darren. 👍 


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Still, there is a special satisfaction to be had by undertaking the whole process.

@darrenking thanks for the link, yeah I’m aware it likely won’t save a fortune but doing everything end to end is the target. Does mean a fair bit of work to make the fretboard but that should be an interesting task too!

…on an elaborate journey to turn trees into music.

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As an indication ...

I bought a plank of 27mm thick maple last week.  8' long, 8.5" wide.  It's a nice clean plank with only a couple of knots at one end.  Of course, you always hope that cleaning it up will reveal some stunning flame or quilt or other pretty features, but - really - I just wanted a clean plank with some classic maple grain pattern.

That plank will give me 3 tops, thicknessed down to 20mm, which is plenty for some decent carving.

Cost:  £28.88.

I bought it from my friendly cabinet-making neighbour who has a substantial woodstore all of his own and he just charged me what it had cost him.  Plus we then ran it through his industrial-grade thicknesser to clean it up.

But that only works (a) if you get lucky and the original timber yard supplies decent stuff and (b) you've got a friendly cabinet-making neighbour!!

I've bought other planks of timber (same source) that have probably worked out to ~£25/body blank.  If you've got the time and equipment to machine raw timber into build-ready blanks, then it's a fair bit cheaper. 

The risk is that you could reveal defects in the plank that make it unusable.  And you don't get to "tap test" it first!

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Bill Flude
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Agreed on the prep - I have a cheap planer thicknesser that can cope with half a body blank at a time so could take thicker wood, prepare two halves of the body, and get it joined then through my sander to get to finished thickness.  On my list to try just haven’t so far……

Measure once........ Measure again......... Sod it - make tea!

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I have bought billets and purflings among other bits from David Dyke at Good quality and very helpful staff. 

Trying to make a living out of a hobby doesn't work 🙂

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My local wood miller is going out of business. My main source of local Koa. Bummer. All good. As a gesture of his appreciation from all the ukuleles and guitars I built from his stacks, he gave me a slab of Tabebuia. Kiln dried untouched for 6 years. Got some really nice spalting. Told me to make the most wicked guitar ever and that anytime I need Koa, I could always come to him. I am one lucky guy.

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My local wood miller is going out of business. My main source of local Koa. Bummer. All good. As a gesture of his appreciation from all the ukuleles and guitars I built from his stacks, he gave me a slab of Tabebuia. Kiln dried untouched for 6 years. Got some really nice spalting. Told me to make the most wicked guitar ever and that anytime I need Koa, I could always come to him. I am one lucky guy.

@clinton Oh man, that is one cool place, you are definitely the luckiest guitar builder I know, as well as being a Jedi level craftsman. 👍

Make guitars, not war 🌍✌️🎸

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